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Data attribution helps your business better understand which channels are driving the most valuable traffic to your website, and how to allocate your marketing budget more effectively. Our team uses third-party tracking tools that provide your company with a plethora of data on visitor behavior by collecting information on the customer journey on partner platforms or apps, generating a holistic view of transactions, applications, and other types of conversions.
Depending on the type of campaign running, call tracking can be another critical component of data attribution. By tracking phone calls, we can understand which marketing campaigns are driving phone leads and sales. By combining third-party tracking and call tracking with other data attribution tools like attribution modeling, inSegment delivers a holistic understanding of your marketing performance. We empower you to make better data-driven decisions and optimize your marketing strategy.
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Our custom data attribution model uses third-party tracking and call tracking to maximize the return on your marketing investment and drive more conversions and revenue.
Stay ahead of the competition and optimize your marketing campaigns with inSegment’s reliable third-party tracking and call tracking services. Uncover the most effective channels to increase your ROI today.