What is keyword research & why is it important for your business

Search Engine Optimization

Understanding the significance of keyword research is like having a map that helps you navigate the online world. It acts as the compass that drives your business toward the right audience. Let’s talk through the important role keyword research plays in modern marketing, and find out about some of the best keyword research tools available.

What is Keyword Research?

Finding terms and phrases that people use when looking for goods, services, or information online is known as keyword research. It is a crucial component of any search engine optimization (SEO) strategy because it enables you to produce content that is both likely to rank highly in search engine results pages (SERPs) and relevant to your target audience.

Why any Business Needs Website Keyword Analysis?

The process of choosing the appropriate keywords to target for your website is called website keyword analysis. This entails taking into account several elements, including the volume of searches for each keyword, the degree of competition, and the keyword’s applicability to your company.

The following are some advantages of performing website keyword analysis:

  • Increased website traffic: When you use the right keywords in your marketing, there’s a greater chance that people will find your website when searching for those terms. Website traffic may rise significantly as a result of this.
  • Increased brand awareness: More people are likely to see your brand name when your website ranks highly for pertinent keywords. This can increase the recognition of your company and raise brand awareness.
  • Increased leads and sales: You’re more likely to draw website visitors who are interested in what you have to offer if you’re focusing on the appropriate keywords. For your company, this may result in increased leads and sales.

How to Do a Keyword Research

Researching keywords can be done in a lot of ways. Among the most popular techniques are:

  • Brainstorming: Begin by coming up with a list of pertinent keywords for your company. A keyword research tool is another resource you can use to generate ideas.
  • Using keyword research tools: Ahrefs, Semrush, and Google Keyword Planner are just a few of the many tools available for keyword research. These tools can assist you in determining the volume of searches for each keyword, the degree of competition, and other crucial elements.
  • Examining the competition: Examine the websites of your rivals and note the keywords they are using. This can help you come up with some smart keywords for your own website.

The Best Keyword Research Tools

Numerous keyword research tools are available, each with unique advantages and disadvantages. Among the most widely used tools for keyword research are:


Keyword research is one of the many features available in Semrush, a potent SEO tool. It enables you to determine the volume of searches for every keyword, the degree of competition, and other crucial elements.


Another well-known SEO tool with keyword research capabilities is Ahrefs. It also enables you to determine the volume of searches for every keyword, the degree of competition, and other crucial elements.

Google Keyword Planner

Google offers a free tool called Google Keyword Planner that lets you find the volume of searches for any given keyword. In addition, it offers other helpful data, like competition levels and associated keywords.


Jaaxy is a keyword research tool that is specifically designed for affiliate marketers. It allows you to identify high-traffic, low-competition keywords that you can use in your affiliate marketing campaigns.


Soovie is a keyword research tool that finds relevant keywords by using artificial intelligence. Additionally, it offers details on the volume of searches and level of competition for every keyword.

inSegment provides keyword research services that expand your business

One of the top companies offering keyword research services is inSegment. Our team of skilled keyword researchers can assist you in choosing the ideal keywords to target for your company. In addition, we provide a wide range of other SEO services, including technical SEO, link building, and content production.

Get in touch with inSegment right now if you want to raise your website’s position in search engine results pages (SERPs). We can assist you in creating a thorough SEO plan that will enable you to meet your objectives as a business.

What is keyword research & why is it important for your business

Search Engine Optimization