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7 Essential Employees In A B2B Marketing Team

8 minute read

We know. You’re struggling to find the right people to hire for your B2B marketing team. If you’re reading this, I just want to tell you that you’re not alone.

B2B Marketing Agencies do a great job to make sure organizations fulfill their needs – because let’s face it – every hire needs to be trained and retained, and those are different challenges altogether.

In this post, we are going to number the sort of roles that together make a very strong B2B Marketing team.

7 employees b2b marketing team

The Data Master


If you’re not tracking every click, conversion, mouse movement, client thought (IDEA: think keyword research but for mind reading) then the data master will make it top priority to ensure that’s done. Apart from collecting data and making sure it’s visualized appropriately, the responsibilities of the data master include utilizing all information collected to deliver appropriate recommendations. Your data marketer is a step ahead of your ‘growth marketing manager’.

Aside: It’s argued that in today’s marketing environment everyone needs to adapt or learn to become a data master.

The Community Builder

Someone who has a strong sense of empathy towards who the key audience members are and ways to connect with them. A community builder isn’t essentially limited to social channels but can go beyond to the medium where he believes his audience likes to converse. For one persona, that might be reddit while for another, it might be Google+ (just kidding, it’s never Google+).

The Content Marketer

This person is in charge of your look and feel (and all of your messaging!). Whether your B2B marketing team is looking at creating gated or ungated content, the content marketer will outline all information to convince your buyer persona that your product or service can really provide value to their organization.

The UI Master

B2B Lead Gen over the last few years has had an influx of attention focused towards the concept of the marketing persona. Different personas in the B2B universe react and feel different to messaging and a UI master needs to be able to tailor this messaging under one brand identity. In digital marketing with companies owning several digital assets and earning them through other mediums this person is involved and making sure there is a definite consistency.

SCRUM Master

Managing deadlines is hard. A team can use someone who puts together the agenda in motion, especially in the B2B environment where the sales cycles are longer. Our SCRUM master comes with marketing expertise and is an avid user of project management software’s like Trello and Smartsheet. Apart from understanding timelines this is someone who is efficient in his every minute of his every day. You’ll need this person as you scale to help manage your team and give it a backbone for support.

Sherlock Search

Search marketers just want to give you what you want. Ad copy plays an integral part in the B2B search process as the ad messaging will affect the kind of people who end up clicking through to your landing page. Our Sherlock Search is an avid reader of blogs like SEO Moz and Search Engine Land and is up-to date with every google update and algorithm change (Google AMP what what?).

A Marketing Unicorn

This is the hardest team member for an organization to find but is the one that will bring the most long-term rewards. A unicorn is a mythical creature that exists in myths and a marketing unicorn is a term us marketers fight about during yearly conferences claiming to be one. (Shoutout to the great Larry Kim for teaching us all how to be unicorns)

This team member is known to be a creative technologist with sound marketing fundamentals.

Now before you link start sharing this article to gloat about which B2B Marketer you are (of course you’re a unicorn) or start sharing it with your HR team it’s important to understand that it’s the close workings of these different roles that will help you achieve your marketing teams objectives. A former grad school professor  of mine, who is also the CMO of a B2B tech company in data storage and management, recently wrote a piece on how diversity is key to building winning marketing teams. It is through communication with people with the above skill-sets alongside the more human things that will make or break your B2B marketing team.