Web Development

Developer Approved: 5 Tools to Help Make Your Website Pop

7 minute read

Web development is at an exciting stage; the ability to design and create visually stunning and functionally sound websites has never been so visible as it is today. However, for each flashy element you see on a website or landing page, there are several hours of coding, bug-fixing, and other drudgery involved to ensure that the user’s experience on the site is a fantastic one. The life of a web developer can be tough; however, there are some tricks of the trade that can make things a little easier. Here are our favorite web design tools to use while creating websites.


Not even the experts know all the answers. This is especially true of JavaScript developers; the programming language is constantly evolving, and maintaining extensive applications in the language is a draining endeavor. Luckily, Superhero.Js has collected an exhaustive list of resources for JavaScript developers to help avoid any “I have no idea what is happening” moments.


Responsive websites are beautiful, functional, and highly successful at converting visitors into leads. However, building these types of sites can be time consuming and difficult. Sassaparilla is a service that combines the open-source CSS Authoring Framework Compass with the CSS syntax Sass to create a powerful tool that automatically resizes site elements for different screen sizes and types. Sassaparilla helps take some of the guesswork out of building web-responsive sites

Responsive Nav

This independent plugin allows you to create responsive toggle navigation functionality for your website. Responsive Nav is a JavaScript library that uses touch events and CSS3 transitions to ensure the highest possible performance.


Antwort it’s not just websites that need to be responsive now; with more and more people accessing email on their mobile devices, email marketers need to make sure their campaigns are responsive as well. That’s where Antwort comes in; the service helps build dynamic, responsive email layouts that are viewable in almost every major email client.

Browser Hacks

One of the most frustrating experiences for a web developer is at the end of a project; after all of the time spent designing, coding, testing, and fixing the website, the finished project is finally beautiful – when viewed in Chrome. But open the site in another browser, the developer quickly discovers that the site doesn’t function as it should. But fear no; now here is browser Hacks, a giant list of CSS and JavaScript hacks for specific browsers. Developmental differences need never be an issue again.


Even with these tools, web development is a complex, time-consuming process. If your website needs some improvements, call on us; we are web design and development experts. We’ll work with you to create a site that accomplishes your goals – consider us your most powerful web development tool!