How to create a landing page without technical skills

Web Development

With more and more business conducted online today, there have never been more ways to reach out, engage, and convert your target audience members. With this increased popularity and opportunity, however, comes the challenge of making your products and services stand out in what has become a saturated online marketplace. 

An online presence is key to reaching your target audiences, and an essential part of any online marketing strategy is the creation of powerful landing pages. Landing pages exist to attract and gather leads, and when designed, developed, and optimized correctly, landing pages are what turn your website visitors into paying clients.

Too often, businesses put all of their focus into their website and forget about the key role played by landing pages in the sales process. The differences between landing pages and websites can catch some people off guard. To make sure this doesn’t happen to you, be sure to study the differences between landing pages and websites.

The difference between a landing page and a website

If you’ve ever been confused about the difference between a landing page and a website, you’re not alone, and the difference can be found in the goal behind their creation. Websites are created to share details about a business or brand, including contact information and an overview of products and/or services on offer. Websites will consist of many pages that cover a variety of topics.

On the other hand, landing pages are individual pages that are created with a specific marketing goal in mind. A landing page may be created to promote a product that is on offer for a period of time, or bring attention to a new service on offer from the business. This distinction is vital to understand if you want to create conversion-focused landing pages.

What are the key components of a landing page

While each landing page is created with a particular business’ individual goal in mind, there are certain elements that you will find in all landing pages, namely an enticing title, persuasive copy, a clear call-to-action (CTA), and stunning images and visuals.


The title of your landing page is the first piece of language that every visitor will see, so its importance can’t be understated. The purpose of the title is to grab the reader’s attention and to give them a reason to continue reading. A weak title that lacks excitement or interest will be quickly forgotten and visitors will leave your landing page before ever taking another action.


Just as your title should give visitors a reason to keep reading, your main body copy must do the same. Your language must be clear, understandable, and should fall in line with your brand’s usual messaging and advertising. Use shorter sentences, use words that make you want to keep reading, and offer accurate information about the product or service being offered. Generally speaking, when it comes to landing page copy, aim firmly for quality over quantity.

Call-to-Action (CTA)

The CTA on any landing page is often the most important hook of language. A CTA should do exactly what its name says: put out a call that urges the reader to take a specific action. Depending on the goals of the landing page, whether that’s promote a service, push a product, or simply drive newsletter subscribers, your CTA will be written in a way that encourages this particular action. Creating a clearly understandable and enticing pathway toward taking the action is key, so the language used in any CTA must be clear and conversion-focused.


As you may expect, images play another important role in a successful landing page. From grabbing the visitor’s attention to demonstrating the value of the service or product being promoted, the right images can be the difference between conversion and an increased bounce rate. 

Each of these elements is vital for a landing page to deliver on its goals, but just as important is the process of testing. A/B testing – where you create two or more different versions of the landing page – will help you identify which elements resonate with your target audience members, and which elements may need to be reworked before launching your campaign.

How to create a landing page without anybody’s help

Nowadays, there are some fantastic resources that will let you build your own landing pages without any technical knowledge. While there’s no substitute for experience and expertise, with the help of some online tools, you can create professional landing pages without knowledge of coding. 

WordPress is the most popular website creation tool available and if you have a WordPress website, utilizing their landing page templates is a smart decision that doesn’t require too much effort or prior knowledge. Whichever tool you choose, the most important thing to do is ensure the content on your landing page is focused on the goal of the page. Highlight the benefits of the product or service being offered, and utilize engaging text and stunning visuals to create a well-rounded landing page.

Looking for help building a landing page? inSegment has got your back

Conceiving, crafting, and completing a landing page that converts may seem overwhelming. If you’re starting from scratch it can be tricky, but the process can be made extremely smooth if you enlist the help of the right partner. The fact of the matter is that, given the competitive landscape, your landing pages need to stand out, need to be user-friendly, and need to be promoting a product or service that consumers want to purchase.

inSegment is one of Boston’s leading full-scale digital marketing agencies with a dedicated team of award-winning website and landing page designers, backed by a team of developers that have delivered conversion-focused landing pages to clients across multiple industries.

When you work with professionals, you get to lean on their years of expertise, and that’s exactly what the inSegment team is well-versed in, not just carrying-out these tasks for clients, but helping clients understand the processes along the way, positioning these clients to thrive throughout and beyond the partnership.

Contact inSegment today to see just how seamless landing page creation can be when you’re partnered with the right professionals.

How to create a landing page without technical skills

Web Development